Saturday, September 24, 2011

A month since the doctor called...

Yesterday marked one month since the doctor called to let me know I have trashed my body to the point of near death and that the food I consumed was poisoning me. Not to sound dramatic but that was what I heard and so much worse. I am working through the guilt of what I have done to myself. I have worked out at least five days of every week since and have only had two moments of dietary weakness. The most obvious result has been that I lost ten pounds. There have been less obvious results as well. Digestive issues that have plagued me for years have completely gone away. A sebaceous cyst that was inflamed and torturous a month ago is all but gone. I have more energy. Probably most importantly, I am hopeful. Instead of spending my days thinking of all the things going wrong with my body, I think of how much I can do to heal myself and how life will be this time next year.

My body is tired and sore despite having more energy. I eat more veggies than you can imagine but at this moment, it's all good.

I am going to wait another week until I get my blood tested. Please Lord, let my blood sugar be lower. Please.

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